
I like the simplicity and speed of just about every bullet doing 1d6 damage (and occasional +/- 1 modifiers), with any roll of 6 or more being a mortal wound, and lesser rolls indicating a notable wound or graze.  Fast, definitive... and lethal. This is how it's handled in BH3E, and what I wanted to just carve that out and drop into this ruleset. Trouble is, that game doesn't account for the use of armor - which is really outside the genre anyway, so it shouldn't be a big deal - except that I do want to account for it eventually; reducing damage by a set amount takes the lethality off the table, which I'm not happy about. I'll come back to this later.

Now, in the OSFRPG, pistols do 2d6 damage, so I'll be playing with that: all weapons do 2d6 damage. I mean, if you want to use heavier weapons, feel free to use more dice, but only the two highest rolled are relevant, discard the rest. Rolls of 10+ indicate a mortal wound, and a roll of 5+ gives a notable wound; lower damage rolls likely have wounds associated with them narratively, but damage of 5+ indicates a wound that penalizes the victim's actions by -1 until they recover. Each wound is handled separately.

Brawling damage is likely to do a single die of harm, and uses the same scale: 5+ is a wound, 10+ is a mortal wound. Hey, it could happen. I think.

Oh, yeah: if a roll to hit is boxcars (double sixes on the dice) or exceeds the TN by some fixed amount (4 or 5, probably), add another die of damage. If the roll to hit is both boxcars *and* exceeds the TN by that amount, add two dice to the damage roll - remember, you're only reading the two highest when determining wounds.

The single highest die rolled for damage indicates an amount of shock delivered to the victim. When the victim takes about fifteen shock (that number would vary depending on how resilient the character is), they pass out, or are otherwise unable to act. If that happens while they also have a mortal wound, the victim dies.

Stuff about bleeding and recovery and armor to follow.

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